New Doll in the Works

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New Doll in the Works

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Soooooo... it's been a while. But I am back to blogging. This will now become my main blog. And I have a new doll to share.
I stopped blogging last December and put my shop on a very long vacation. I am currently in school and working part time and have 3 kids to keep up with so there was no time to work on dolls or anything else for the shop. I DID end up making those Harry Potter dolls for a friend for Christmas. They were a custom request that I fully intended to start selling in the shop but all my other responsibilities got in the way. Someday they might make it in there, but I will definitely post pictures of them here for all to see because I was so darn proud of myself.
I do, however, have a new doll I am working on. She is another Twilight doll, little Renesmee. Here are some pictures I have gathered from the internet for inspiration:

That one on the bottom right is of Emma, my friend Angela's daughter and an artist by the name of Lina has used her likeness in a painting she did of Renesmee. The big one (and two others) are of Mackenzie Foy, the actress playing Renesmee in Part 2 of Breaking Dawn, however, I had NO idea she was until after I chose all her images and went searching for her name to include in this post. I just liked her face that much so of course, I think this is a brilliant choice by Summit. The others I thought were just as inspiring.

by inner_butterfly on Deviant Art
And then there is this one, which I couldn't resist because it's just way too cute and anime.
The trick to getting this doll right is all in the eyes and hair. I need to find the right amount of curly and it's going to be tricky using felt and those eyes have to be able to reach into your soul.
I'll be sure to post pics when I am finished with her.