Hello Black Pumpkin fans!! How I've missed you so!
I've been away from The Black Pumpkin for awhile. First there was TwiCon, then there was about 6 weeks of my day job's 2nd busy season, but now I'm free to work on Black Pumpkin stuff until spring of next year. YAY!
TwiCon was a success!! I sold out of my Little Unreliable Vampire Dolls, introduced my hand-sculpted pendants (which I will blog about in the near future) and collected a huge mailing list of anxious fans waiting to see what other Twilight treasures I have in store and wanting to get their hands on more dolls! Don't worry - more on my official store opening, including more dolls and such, later in this post.
For now, here's a few pictures. You can view my official TwiCon Recap with tons more pictures on my personal blog, FeyaVanya's Thoughts.
I must add that some of these pictures were taken by the queen TwilightMOMs News blogger herself, Amy and some (most of which have her mark on them) were taken by photographer extraordinaire Heather of Heather Gardner Photography and Fire and Ice who also happened to be one of my roommates and my booth partner at the con.
The above picture of the booth was featured on Reelz Channel's review of the convention

Our fabulous booth
Dolls all posed and looking cute
All the Little Unreliable Vampires sold out quickly!
Wall o' banners

Our booth team: Heather, Me, Brock and Curt from Positive Music and Downloads
Our booth volunteers: Lauralee and Amy D.
I was inspired by So You Think You Can Dance's famous Ramalama Bang Bang dance (it is my favorite EVER!) for my hair and make-up and wore my Steampunk Gothic black dress from the last vampire ball I went to - gotta get good use out of it, right?

The Volturi Ball was fabulous! Best night of dancing and costuming I've had in a long time.
Good News!!!
Next up, I have some good news that some of you have been waiting for for a LONG time. My official shop opening will be this Friday, September 25th!! I don't know the exact time yet but will be sure to give you a fair enough warning. It will probably be in the late afternoon PST. I will update later this week about it.
I will have some Little Unreliable Vampires (Edwards), 2 Pup Boys (Jacobs with the chapter heading tee), 2 Tiny Dancers (Alice with the apple body) and a new doll inspired by Bella called "Chew Toy".
I'm still trying to work out the logistics of her arms and legs, but basically they will be removable because, as the heroine/sometimes damsel in distress, she can get pretty chewed up so you can be all the king's horses and all the king's men and put her back together again! Ha ha! Check back later this week as I will post a picture of her concept drawing. It's hilarious.
Getting ready to dive into some Little Unreliable Vampires again. These chunky, vintage buttons I found for their pea coats are deliciously cute. =)
Looking forward to Friday!!